Welcome to the Lush IF Wiki

Welcome to the Lush (International) Forum Wiki. It is designed to give lots of helpful information to save the same questions being asked over and over and over and over… well, you get the idea.

Hopefully this will become a useful resource, but if it doesn't, who cares - it's free!

Most common questions about the forum will be answered in the FAQ page. This can be accessed from anywhere on the site by clicking 'FAQ' in the top navigation bar.

Anyone can view the Clickipedia, but to be able to edit, you need to be a member. You also need to be a member of the Lush IF for your membership to be approved. You can apply for membership, by first signing up on the "How to join" page on the right hand menu bar, and then emailing mazzmatazz (details on the contact page) with your Lush IF username, and your Wikidot username. An invitation will be sent. This is to avoid abuse from trolls.

To edit a page, go to the page and click the Edit button. You can change everything in the main area of your page.

You can attach images and other files to any page, then display them and link to them in the page.

Every Wikidot page has a history of edits, and you can undo anything.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License